It was great to see everyone out here this past Saturday for the Rudolph from the Red Tees. It was a surprisingly mild day for the month of December, the scores however were anything but mild!
The real winner was Burke United Christian Ministries!
The winning team consisted of players Chase Holland, Greg Holland, Chad Davis and Adam Bailey with an impressive score of 51 (-21). We had an unprecedented 4-way tie for 2nd place with a score of 54 (-18). Those teams are as follows:
Chris Caldwell, Greg Crump, Jeremy LeMaster, Bradley Wyatt.
Jonathan Clontz, Jim Coleman, Garry Harding, Keith Rhyne.
Robert Harrill, Taylor Izokovic, Michael Lane, Mark Latham.
James Pittman, Alan Sailors, Holden Sailors, Anthony Vallini.
Congratulations to everyone. As always, we would like to thank Kevin Bradley for all his hard work in putting this tournament on, as well as everyone who helped make the day possible. Check out the full tournament results below.