Swing Easy When It’s Breezy

I played golf yesterday at the beach, and to say it was windy was an understatement. The wind was howling, and the challenge made it a real sport.   My normal 6-iron goes about 175, and I found myself hitting 6-iron into the wind from 135 yards. The real key to...

Finding the Right Club Shaft Lean

How much should your club shaft lean at address and why?   When addressing your iron shots, your club shaft should lean slightly towards the hole with your hands slightly ahead of the ball. Why? Because the iron is designed to strike the ball in a slightly...
Pro-Tip by Wes Jones

Pro-Tip by Wes Jones

While giving some short game lessons this past week I noticed I was saying the same three things over and over. Narrow your stance, choke down and stand closer to the ball. Is it possible to stand too close to the ball? Yes is the short answer. However, most amateurs...
Avoiding Lead Elbow Tendonitis

Avoiding Lead Elbow Tendonitis

As the days are getting warmer, the range is getting busy. For some, the excitement of the new season ahead is dampened by the re-emergence of aches and pains that seemed to have resolved over the winter months. Lead elbow pain is one such issue. Don’t let it get you!...